The effect of a Psycho-Motor education on developing social skills for retarded children an experimental study at the medical education center for mental retardation in Laghouat

  • Ahlem KHOUHLI University of Laghouat (Algeria)
Keywords: Psycho-Motor education, Mental handicapped, social skills


This study aims to show the importance of psycho-Motor education on developing social skills for the children with mental handicapped. The researcher taught them some social skills, such as the cooperation, confidence, responsibility by physical activities. Playing game and relaxation.

Where the experimental method was applied as a method of study on an intentional sample consisting of 20 mentally retarded children at the medical education center in Laghouat. After applying the program and comparing the results of the experimental group and the control group statistically using averages, standard deviations, and a " T " test, the researcher concluded that there are significant differences in the level scores between the two measurements and in favor of measuring the experimental group, and this may be attributed to the effectiveness of the proposed program in developing social skills and improving social 9 adaptation.


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How to Cite
KHOUHLI, A. (2022). The effect of a Psycho-Motor education on developing social skills for retarded children an experimental study at the medical education center for mental retardation in Laghouat . Social Sciences Journal, 16(1), 945-960.