The challenges of achieving quality outputs of the university educational system in Algeria. An analytical reading in the light of the World Knowledge Index results 2019
We attempt to monitor the most important challenges facing achieving the quality of university educational outputs through an analytical reading of the reality of the quality of this indicator according to the results of the World Knowledge Index for the year 2019, and it is related to a set of sub-indicators that constitute the main indicator (outputs), relying in this on an analysis methodology based on a comparison of the size of the inputs with the size of the outputs, in order to determine its various levels, the most important challenges and draw that hinder the achievement of quality in order to propose solutions to address them, has reached the following conclusions: the challenges faced by university education in Algeria are related to the following, challenging the qualitative level of graduates, the university’s competence and global rankings, as well as challenging students ’competence and ability to attract And the challenge of the unemployment of university graduates and their ability to absorb and keep up with the scientific development witnessed by all fields, the development of the labor market, and the scientific, cultural and economic openness that affected various societies at different levels.
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