The university professor between freedom and dependency in light of the guiding policies of the state and the independence of the university in Algeria
This article sheds light on the series of cultural, scientific, political and epistemological dialogues that have been raised and are still being raised about the university professor’s relationship with the authority and the state’s guiding policies in the field of higher education, and their relationship to the independence of the university, which still constitutes a fertile research material in scientific and cultural circles at the level of social sciences in general and at the level of Sociology in particular. By virtue of belonging to the university system through the practice of the profession of teaching, framing and research, this file is still the focus of attention of researchers and practitioners in the fields of social knowledge, given the complexity, accuracy and sensitivity of this issue in the process of knowledge and societal construction in Algeria, in order to bring positions, ideas and experiences between Intellectuals under different political systems. Perhaps talking about the role of the university professor in Algeria and his messages to the society away from the constraints of power, does not actually express his real situation in the actual reality and the outcome of this relationship is the university professor falling into the trap of contradiction between what he claims and his real position that is below his ambitions, and the image that he is today and sees himself through it in relation to the authority and the university,
And in examining their role and the relationship between them in the embodiment of the university's independence.
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