The problematic of Curricula and the reality of the Transition form the pedagogy of teaching Curricula in arabic in Primary education according to the objective to teaching according to the competency Approach( algeria as Model)

  • Aicha BOUZIANI Higher School of Teachers of Bouzareah (Algeria)
Keywords: curriculum, curriculum problem, the objective approach, competency approaches


The school has known several developments and the old education looked at the learner in a narrow way, focusing on the mental aspect and neglecting the other aspect. The learner has attitudes and motor skills, but he later proved his shortcomings because Of the criticisms leveled at him, so he recognized a regression in front of a new curriculum called the competencies approach in teaching the subjects presented in the Arabic language in the primary education stage.

The research aims show the reason for abandoning the method of teaching by objectives in the Arabic language and its use in the way of the competency approach in Algeria, and the similarities and differences between the two approaches.  And to show the advantages and shortcomings of teaching by goals, and the difficulties encountered by the teacher while applying this curriculum, and the clarify the benefits of the competency approach, whose shortcomings remain not clear yet.

In conclusion, the purposeful education based on the principles of the behavioral school of irrational nature based on the stimulus and response and the dismantling of experience and goals into parts to under stood.

This education does not develop mental abilities, but rather develop the performance behaviors accomplished by the learner. As for teaching competencies, it based on the principles of the constructivist school of rationality by facing real problems stemming from the life of learner.

It develops competencies, capabilities and skills and adapts them according to the needs of the labor market, and does not car much about theoretical knowledge.


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How to Cite
BOUZIANI, A. (2022). The problematic of Curricula and the reality of the Transition form the pedagogy of teaching Curricula in arabic in Primary education according to the objective to teaching according to the competency Approach( algeria as Model). Social Sciences Journal, 16(2), 438-454.