Theory of Mind Disorder in Autistic People -Reading in Several Recent Studies-
This current study aims to address the various researches that have been subject to the disorder of the tasks of mind theory in autistic children, so that 06 recent studies were taken that deal with the disorder of the tasks of mind theory.
The first study, entitled "Using the Social Story as an Introduction to Overcoming the Deficiencies in the Concepts of Mind Theory among Autistic Children" so that the social story plays an important role in developing social skills not only for people with simple autism but for people with moderate and severe autism.
As for the second study, titled 'Scale of Concepts of Mind Theory for Autistic Children', it dealt with designing a scale of the tasks of the mind theory of autistic children and perhaps for other children with special needs and ordinary children as well.
And the third study titled 'Theory of Mind and Communication in Autistic Children is a Functional and Developmental Approach' It was touched on that the cognitive difficulty (TOM) relies heavily on it to explain the developmental communication disorders of these children in their daily lives.
And the fourth study, entitled "Taking Asperger and Theory of Mind", so that the competencies of children and adolescents suffering from Asperger syndrome were evaluated.
And the fifth study, titled 'Theory of Mind of an Autistic Child', was touched upon to the effect of the disruption of the tasks of mind theory on both the cognitive, linguistic, and especially the social aspect.
And in the last book titled 'Autism and Theory of Mind' was discussed in general on the chapters of the theory of autism and the most important theories that explain autism, including the theory of mind and we have chosen the 'Sally and Anne' test of the most important and most used.
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