The level of visuospatial working memory in autism

  • Ouahiba DJENOUNE University of setif2 (Algeria)
  • Faiza SEMAI University of Constantine 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: autism, visuo-spacial working memory, visual working memory, special working memory


The present study seeks to demonstrate the level of visuospatial working memory in autism. The study is based on the Comparative Descriptive method. The study sample consisted of five autistic children and five healthy children. It uses many tools; sampling ones which includes: the observation network, two family-oriented questionnaires, and Columbia test for intelligence and collection tools which includes, Baddeley’s working memory, statistical processing tools in particular the mann-wittney The most important point of the study children with autism demonstrate no impairments in visuospatial working memory when compared to healthy children. ,


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How to Cite
DJENOUNE, O., & SEMAI, F. (2022). The level of visuospatial working memory in autism. Social Sciences Journal, 16(3(Special), 71-83.