The effect of the effectiveness of a program based on applied behavior analysis in children with autism spectrum disorder

  • Kalthoum GUIR University of Ouargla (Algeria)
  • Shahrazad NOUAR University of Ouargla (Algeria)
Keywords: Behavior, behavior analysis, behavior analysis program, autism spectrum disorder


       The current study aims to identify the effectiveness of the program based on applied behavior analysis with the aim of modifying the behavior of a group of children with autism spectrum disorder, by relying on the experimental approach with a one-group design. The study concluded that there are statistically significant differences between the scores of the pre-measurement and the scores of the post-measurement in the study sample on the CARS-2 scale, and the standardized behavior scale in favor of the post-measurement.


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Author Biography

Shahrazad NOUAR, University of Ouargla (Algeria)

       The current study aims to identify the effectiveness of the program based on applied behavior analysis with the aim of modifying the behavior of a group of children with autism spectrum disorder, by relying on the experimental approach with a one-group design. The study concluded that there are statistically significant differences between the scores of the pre-measurement and the scores of the post-measurement in the study sample on the CARS-2 scale, and the standardized behavior scale in favor of the post-measurement.


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How to Cite
GUIR, K., & NOUAR, S. (2022). The effect of the effectiveness of a program based on applied behavior analysis in children with autism spectrum disorder. Social Sciences Journal, 16(3(Special), 158-168.