The importance of relational dynamics and the use of play in the care of autism spectrum disorders
Autism is a problematic basically associated with specificities in the use of topics and ruminant interest in things, For it is considered a developmental disorder that affects the mental functions of the child, so that we find him having difficulties in using language and communicating with others, whether it was verbal or non-verbal and this makes him lose the skills of Communicating, interaction, and integration with others, which shows signs of isolation and introversion, and not participating with their peers or others in their various childish activities, as well as suffering from their lack of understanding and the others understanding towards their feelings, actions and desires,
In addition the autistic children have potential capabilities that we can show up by making them more connected and interacting with others, through an interactive relational dynamic that improves the social interaction level and communication with others, in both verbal and non-verbal, So that building a relationship with the original environment with all its genetic and biology is considered a definite contributor and interactor in their emotional development and this helps them to stimulate the interaction spirit, harmony and dealing with others, and work to discover their abilities and skills through their communication with their peers and with their own original environment.
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