Production, reproduction and embodiment of scenes of violence in drama films in social reality: a field study on a segment of young adolescents
This study aims to identify the causes of the spread of the phenomenon of violence in Algerian society, especially among young people; Where we attributed the causes of violence among young people to the influence of visual media through the various programs and cultural contents they broadcast, such as “dramatic” police and fictional films that include scenes of violence of all kinds, as if they reproduce social reality, as behaviors and social actions are directed towards violence in reality and in the field. Social through the production, embodiment and re-embodiment of scenes of violence that he consumed consciously or unconsciously from drama films, so that it negatively and mechanically affects the individual’s mentality and daily behavior. Thus, he either embodies it unconsciously, that is, the idea of violence is entrenched in the mind and soul of the recipient, and he embodies it automatically in certain appearances, forms, and situations, or consciously, i.e., he re-enacts the scenes that he consumed in reality and daily life. Among the manifestations of this behavior are insults and insults, beatings, theft, vandalism, suicide, murder, rape, addiction to warnings, exaggerated love scenes...etc. So that the viewer has become a consumer only of imaginary images and ideas, and not consciously interacting with them. It is also noticeable that most serials, drama films, and even cartoons are not devoid of scenes of actual and verbal violence, as if the policies and plans of Western and even Arab television production cities suggest promoting ideas and values of non-peace and non-integration, and broadcast ideas of brutality and barbarism.
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