The possession of the primary school principal of effective educational communication skills in the light of some variables from the point of view of primary education teachers (A field study in the elementary districts of Metlili, Ghardaia)

  • Zahra BOUMEHRAS University of Ghardaia (Algeria)
Keywords: Effective educational communication skills, primary school principal, primary education teacher


The study aimed to try to reveal the degree to which the primary school principal possesses effective educational communication skills from the point of view of primary education teachers, as well as knowing the significance of the differences in the degree to which the primary school principal possesses effective educational communication skills from the point of view of primary education teachers according to the variable (gender, years of experience, qualification The sample consisted of 130 teachers, who were randomly selected from primary school teachers in the city of Metlili during the 2018/2019 school year.

The study concluded that the degree to which the primary school principal possesses effective educational communication skills from the point of view of primary education teachers was moderately high, and there are no differences in the degree to which the primary school principal possesses effective educational communication skills from the point of view of primary education teachers according to the gender variable and academic qualification However, there are differences in the degree to which the primary school principal possesses educational communication skills Effective from the viewpoint of primary education teachers according to the variable years of experience, we relied in our study on the descriptive approach appropriate to the nature of the study.


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How to Cite
BOUMEHRAS, Z. (2023). The possession of the primary school principal of effective educational communication skills in the light of some variables from the point of view of primary education teachers (A field study in the elementary districts of Metlili, Ghardaia). Social Sciences Journal, 17(1), 219-234.