Heritage and how to use it to build Maghreb sociology

  • Djamel MAATOUG University of Blida 2(Algeria)
Keywords: Heritage, building, sociology


After this presentation of the issue of heritage and how to deal with it to build a Maghreb sociology that honestly expresses the reality of this socio-cultural environment, it becomes clear to us that there is a clear neglect of heritage within these countries, and this neglect results from negligence and indifference on the part of those working in sociology, where they worked On the total importation of Western sociology, in order to hide their shortcomings in the name of the universality of this science on the one hand, and the weight of sociology as a modern Western science that has nothing to do with our Arab and Islamic heritage. The Salafists also contributed to the weakening and absence of the Arab and Islamic heritage in the advancement of science in general and sociology in particular, and this is due to their giving the heritage a sacred character, imprisoning it in museums, and refusing to subject it to reality and its developments. And as Mahmoud Amin Al-Alam says, “The truth is that our ancient Arab heritage... is still separate from our besieging conscience, and we are still deprived of living it and uniting with it in our intellectual movement. daily in the current intellectual and national battle that our Arab peoples are waging (60). Accordingly, the issue of heritage remains one of the central issues in the process of researching Maghreb thought in general and sociology in particular. In re-reading this past to come up with what can be useful in the process of construction and creativity, and this will not be achieved unless we make this heritage its right place and in our lives and in our history, so what are the most attempts that were made to usurp this heritage from us, and make us question its value and Depriving us of the fruit of the efforts of his eminent scholars and of striving to develop and extend it (61).Therefore, heritage remains an inevitable imperative if we really want to get out of dependence and from the dark tunnel of backwardness, and in conclusion to this chapter we say that the time has come to deal seriously and rationally. With the heritage of the positives and negatives, and re-reading our ancient and medieval history and even the present as well, the time has come to evaluate the experience of our ancestors and to take what is useful and employ it in building an original thought that truly expresses the aspirations of our broad masses, so the revival of heritage will not take place unless we do, as he says Muhammad Arkoun: Investigating the ancient texts first, how can we revive the heritage and reinterpret it again in the light of modern methodologies without having accurate and clear editions of all his manuscripts, then discovering the field of social history, the history of mentalities, historical psychology...etc. Sciences are very important and we have not yet used them in illuminating Arab-Islamic history (62). And only in this way can the actual consideration of the heritage be restored and benefit from it in building the present, a siege that mixes between originality and modernity without any diminishment or conflict.


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How to Cite
MAATOUG, D. (1). Heritage and how to use it to build Maghreb sociology. Social Sciences Journal, 1(1), 14-39. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/3364