Extent to which autistic children can be integrated into primary schools from the point of view of educators at the Pedagogical Psychological Center.
The current study aims to find out the extent to which children with autism spectrum disorder can be integrated into primary schools, from the point of view of their educators at the Pedagogical Psychological Center 2 in The State of Laghouat. by recognizing these educators of the most important behavioral problems common to autistic children. To achieve the goal of the study, a half-directed interview was conducted with the center's 20 educators. The study answered the following questions:
How far can autistic children be integrated into primary schools, from the point of view of their educators in the Pedagogical Psychological Centre?
What are the common behavioral problems that may prevent autistic children from being integrated into primary school, from the point of view of their educators in the Pedagogical Psychological Centre?
What are the human and material possibilities needed in the process of integrating an autistic child?
The results of the study resulted in behavioral problems in autistic children that may make teaching and learning difficult, and therefore cannot be integrated with ordinary people in primary schools.
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