Cultural diversity arguments of communication and identity reconstruction

  • Imene SOUKAL University of Constantine 3 (Algeria)
Keywords: cultural diversity,, linguistic diversity, infinite diversity, communicative action, identity or identities.


The issue of cultural diversity is still the subject of debate and argument especially with the crisis
of identities and communication chaos of today. It is a matter that creates many problems at the
level of coexistence, harmony and awareness of the need to adopt infinite diversity and also the
acceleration of technical technologies that influenced our perceptions of the communication
meaning and our understanding of identity. Do we go back and stick to the origins do we go
towards the endless change? A discussion in this study is based on scientific backgrounds and
visions that demonstrate the need to recognize the concept of renewed communication and respect
for differences.


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How to Cite
SOUKAL, I. (2018). Cultural diversity arguments of communication and identity reconstruction. Social Sciences Journal, 12(4), 25-40. Retrieved from