Hope between concept and treatment

  • Saida LIMAM University of Ouargla (Algeria)
  • faiza ROUIM University of Ouargla (Algeria)
Keywords: hope, ; theory of hope, hope therapy, ; positive psychology


Most patients feel frustrated when they come for psychotherapy; because they do not see the means to achieve their goals,
they do not have strategies to achieve these goals, or they do not believe in their ability to find strategies, although the demand
for help itself; an example of a strategy. The therapeutic process is a method towards a possible solution to their difficulties and
asking for help is proof that they have hope; this one is a concept of positive psychology that Snyder (1991) has defined by his
theory of hope, which later became central to psychotherapy through Jerome Frank's theory of hope therapy.This article
comes to highlight to define the concept of hope and Snyder's theory of hope and its role in the psychotherapy process by
explaining the therapy of hope and these steps and some therapeutic strategies used to help patients to improve their hope.

How to Cite
LIMAM, S., & ROUIM, faiza. (1). Hope between concept and treatment. Social Sciences Journal, 12(2), 167-174. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/2421