A sociological analysis of social exclusion

  • Houda AHMED AHMED ALOUAN DIB Zagazig University (Egypt)
  • Mahmoud ABDELALIM MOHAMED SELIMANE Zagazig University (Egypt)
Keywords: Social exclusion, division, communities, integration


I've run the issue of social exclusion Pal many sociologists being a direct cause in
the division of communities and the emergence of hotbeds of tension and division
where social Exclusion works in complete contrast with the integration process upon
which the communities so that the concept of the state itself is less with the existence
of signs of social exclusion in it. This article aims to identify the concept of social
exclusion, and its forms and dimensions, and spread factors, and risks.


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How to Cite
AHMED AHMED ALOUAN DIB, H., & ABDELALIM MOHAMED SELIMANE, M. (1). A sociological analysis of social exclusion. Social Sciences Journal, 9(3), 119-128. Retrieved from http://journals.lagh-univ.dz/index.php/ssj/article/view/2948