The relationship of the level of control in scientific concepts to the attitude towards physics - Students of the third year of secondary school have experimental sciences

  • Ali RAISSI Higher School of Teachers of Laghouat (Algeria)
  • Mustapha HASSANI University Center of Aflou (Algeria)
Keywords: Scientific concepts, trends, and attitude towards physics, third year secondary students


The interest in acquiring, developing and maintaining positive trends from the early stages of between scientific concepts and the trend towards physical sciences among students of the third year of education is very important for all levels of study, so this study came to reveal the relationship secondary experimental sciences. The study sample included (90) male and female students. We also used the descriptive method in our study, in addition to statistical methods, and we reached the following results: There is a statistically significant correlation between scientific concepts and the trend towards physical sciences.

The study also showed: The third year secondary students enjoy a high level of acquiring scientific concepts, and that there are no differences between males and females in that. And that there are no fundamental differences in the trend towards physical sciences between males and females


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How to Cite
RAISSI, A., & HASSANI, M. (1). The relationship of the level of control in scientific concepts to the attitude towards physics - Students of the third year of secondary school have experimental sciences. Social Sciences Journal, 18(2), 216-233. Retrieved from