The role of religious courses in achieving emotional balance and promoting social responsibility among female students of Islamic studies departments in Sudanese universities
The study aimed to identify the role of the curricula prescribed for students of Islamic studies departments in Sudanese universities in achieving emotional balance and social maturity for them. The study used the descriptive method, using the questionnaire as a tool for study, and a stratified sample was chosen by a simple random method consisting of (240) students from the sixth semester. And the eighth in the Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies at the Faculty of Education - Hantoub at the University of Gezira to represent the study population, and the SPSS program was used to analyze the results. The study reached several results, including: The religious curricula have a positive role in achieving emotional balance and enhancing social responsibility among students of Islamic studies departments. Religious curricula in line with the accelerating social progress. The study suggested conducting a study to reveal the impact of the diverse religious backgrounds of societies on the moral, psychological, social and intellectual reality of their children at the level of public and higher education. (145).
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