The availability of the pleasure of studying at the university from the students' point of view and its relationship to some variables

  • Amina Yacine University of Oron 2 (Algeria)
  • Zahra Boulamach University of Oron 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: Academic climate, Psychological comfort, Fun to study, Among students


The pleasure of studying at the university is an important factor and contributes to raising the students 'competence and their ability to learn and assimilate the educational material. The study is a positive picture of students' progress. It is the means of imparting learning skills quickly and this is due to the prevailing atmosphere within the university. The pleasure of studying at the University of Oran 2 Mohammed bin Ahmed from the point of view of students and their relationship to some variables, and this study included the theoretical side in which the formulation of the problem. What is the availability of the pleasure of studying at the university from the point of view of the students and what is their relationship with some variables?

Based on the study conducted by the researcher on the sample 168 students and students at the University of Oran 2, Mohammed bin Ahmed and applied to them the study tool is a questionnaire study pleasure of the professor and Dr "Amna Yassin," and return to the study found that the pleasure of study at the university from the point The students' consideration is primarily due to the teaching staff and their teaching methods, with an average score of 38.54 and a standard deviation of 7.52 followed by a lower effect of curricula or courses with an average of 31.89 and a standard deviation of 5,152 followed by a university environment that has an effect on the enjoyment of study Students with an average of 23.79 and a standard deviation 6,451 This questionnaire has been applied in order to collect information and has used the descriptive analytical approach as the most appropriate for the study.


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How to Cite
Yacine, A., & Boulamach, Z. (2020). The availability of the pleasure of studying at the university from the students’ point of view and its relationship to some variables. Social Sciences Journal, 14(1), 69-88.