In a rapidly changing environment, and in the face of changes in the economic institution, it had to be diligent in order not to be forced out of the market by its competitors. So they have to innovate and put new in the market, and the economic foun

  • Sabah Terghini University of Biskra
Keywords: organizational learning, internal learning, external learning, innovation


     In a rapidly changing environment, and in the face of changes in the economic institution, it had to be diligent in order not to be forced out of the market by its competitors. So they have to innovate and put new in the market, and the economic foundation has thought today that the information is the most powerful asset that it must exploit and indeed in the context of so-called organizational learning.

Organizational learning aims to gain information from different locations, whether internal or external, internal or so-called internal learning involves learning individuals interfunctional learning, intrafunctional learning  , either external or so-called external learning includes learning from customers and learning from competitors and learning from suppliers all these areas help to support innovation in an economic enterprise.


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How to Cite
Terghini, S. (2017). In a rapidly changing environment, and in the face of changes in the economic institution, it had to be diligent in order not to be forced out of the market by its competitors. So they have to innovate and put new in the market, and the economic foun. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 1(02), 224-241.
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