The natural resources curse: an empirical test of a sample of oil countries using dynamic panel models

  • abdelmounaim hadjira جامعة المسيلة
Keywords: oil countries, the curse of natural resources, dynamic panal models, GMM


This study attempted to empirically test the exposure of a sample of 30 oil-producing countries to the so-called natural resource curse.  The study  was based on extended panel data over the period 1996-2017 and using dynamic panel models and the GMM estimation method. The natural resource rent as a percentage of GDP has been adopted as an indicator of natural resource abundance. The results of the estimation show that the oil resource rent has a positive impact on GDP per capita, since each 1% increase in the volume of the oil resource rent corresponds to a 0.03% increase in income per capita GDP, with the stability of all other factors, and the Natural Resource Rent parameter is significant at the 10% level, which means that the oil resource curse has no effect on economic growth in the thirty oil-producing countries included in the study .


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How to Cite
hadjira, abdelmounaim. (2022). The natural resources curse: an empirical test of a sample of oil countries using dynamic panel models. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(2), 393-410.
Original Article