The impact of the quality of the tourist experience on promoting domestic tourism in Algeria
The focus of this study was to determine the impact of the quality of the tourist experience through the following dimensions: pleasure, peace of mind, and the beauty of the view. Contributing to the natural service on promoting domestic tourism in Algeria. The problem of the study was not addressed. The descriptive interface was relied upon to present literature related to the variables of the study and achievement. On the practical side, a questionnaire was distributed to A drawing consisting of 97 individuals who are visitors to the various tourist areas of the state of Ghardaia. A study concluded that there is an effect of the quality of the tourist experience on domestic tourism in Algeria. The study concluded that there is a moderate correlation of 39.4%. The study recommends extensive studies on the quality of the tourist experience, and it is beneficial to work with the efficiency of the experience. It is a marketing tool that helps attract visitors to the tourist destination
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