Open education as a mechanism for acquiring and refining the human resource with green skills, With reference to the case of Algeria (An analytical study)

  • fouad Ourrad Ain Temouchent University
Keywords: green professions, green skills, open education, Human resource, students


The shift towards green activities led to a structural change in the nature of the skills  which make up functions, so that  the demand for green skills  raised, which  pushed  to find  a mechanism that could keep pace with this growing demand, by adopting open education models as an instrument  that guarantees a large and continuous flow of required skills.

This study, aim to highlight the importance of open education in increasing integration into green life conducting  students’ educational stages to acquire green skills, the study  reached  interesting  results that help governments move towards making open education an important source and resource for green skills.


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How to Cite
Ourrad, fouad. (2024). Open education as a mechanism for acquiring and refining the human resource with green skills, With reference to the case of Algeria (An analytical study). Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 8(1), 211-229.
Original Article