The importance of sports sponsorship as a competitive advantage for the organization and its role in promoting sports tourism, presenting different experiences.

  • Hamza Gretli جامعة البليدة 02
Keywords: Event communications, Sponsorship, Sports Tourism, Tourism


This study aims to address the issue of sports sponsorship and its impact on sports tourism by promoting and developing it using modern marketing methods similar to sports sponsorship, as in light of the intensification of competition between institutions in the market, it has become necessary to use modern marketing tools such as sports sponsorship, which is a mechanism of virtual communication It aims to enhance and improve the image of the institution in the mind of the consumer, as the tourism sector is of great importance in the national economy and drives growth by providing jobs and bringing in hard currency, hence the importance of sports sponsorship in advancing sports tourism and making it a tourist destination par excellence. At the end of the paper, we reached the importance that sports sponsorship plays as a major catalyst for sports tourism, and we recommend encouraging institutions to sponsor sports events because of its great impact on sports tourism


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How to Cite
Gretli, H. (2023). The importance of sports sponsorship as a competitive advantage for the organization and its role in promoting sports tourism, presenting different experiences. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 7(1), 211-225.
Original Article