Intellectual capital and its role in activating and efficiency of the university institution

  • Nabaouia Aici Tlemcen University
  • Oum kaltoum Benmoussa Tlemcen University
Keywords: Intellectual capital, university institution, Efficiency


The present study aims to crystallize an intellectual frame about intellectual origins. Therefore the Faculty of Economic Sciences at TlemcenUniversity was also selected to demonstrate the role of intellectual capital in the activation and efficacy of university institution, considering its major importance in improving the quality of education.

The Universities adopts effective systems for upgrading employees capabilities that are based on the modern concepts in managing human resources according to probable abilities and readiness of workers besides developing the polarization systems and selection so as to provide university with qualified personnel who represent the intellectual capital as well as adoption of modern programs in training workers in response to informational , technological and economic transformations .

Am one able the recommendations given by this study is to support the knowledge abilities and inventive of the workers and organization.

The managers of the his her administration must get use of the intellectual capital which is existed in university institution for it is considered anterior resource which the administration con form for the benefit of university institution and its success and it for future compete


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How to Cite
Aici , N., & Benmoussa , O. kaltoum. (2017). Intellectual capital and its role in activating and efficiency of the university institution. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 1(02), 32-49.
Original Article