Islamic financial technology and its role in promoting growing of Islamic finance

  • abdelkrim alioui جامعة أحمد زبانة غليزان
  • mohammed toufik meziane جامعة أحمد زبانة غليزان
Keywords: Islamic Fintech, Fourth Industry, Islamic finance, OIC, Financial Services


This study aims to highlight the role that Islamic financial technology solutions can play in promoting the growth and quality of Islamic finance. This study was based on a descriptive approach to identifying the subject of financial technology and its most important development and area, as well as an analytical approach to monitoring developments in the size of the Islamic financial industry in the context of digital transformations and the foundation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The study concluded that the Islamic financial industry is growing and expanding and that this growth can be accelerated through the development by the regulatory bodies of Islamic States of the ecosystem of Islamic financial institutions and bringing it into line with the developments of the Fourth Industrial Revolution using financial technology instruments compatible with Islamic Sharia Principles.


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How to Cite
alioui, abdelkrim, & meziane, mohammed toufik. (2022). Islamic financial technology and its role in promoting growing of Islamic finance. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(1), 87-106.
Original Article