The knowledge management and change management

  • Nassima Ikram ZERGA 1Université Mohamed ben ahmed Oran 2
  • Fatima Nekkal 1Université Mohamed ben ahmed Oran 2


Knowledge management is essential today for any company wishing to develop, preserve and capitalize on their intangible capital. This term, which is little used in Algerian companies, however, raises concerns among employees, hence the objective of our article, which is to analyze how to get staff to adhere to a KM project through change management and its tools. thus relying on a descriptive analysis accompanied by an empirical survey within the company ECOPACK. In addition, our survey allowed us to conclude that better communication and preparation for this approach would be able to reduce resistance to change, but a coching in parallel could improve the process of knowledge management.


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How to Cite
ZERGA , N. I., & Nekkal , F. (2022). The knowledge management and change management. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 6(2), 595-612.
Original Article