Organizational Commitment as a Mediating Variable between Organizational Culture and Counterproductive Work Behavior in the hospitals of the city M'sila.

  • Kamal YOUSFI Al-Messila University
  • Imane BENMOHAMED Skikda University
  • Samira AROUSSI University of Algiers 3
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Organizational Culture, Counterproductive Work Behavior, Public Hospital Establishments


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the organizational culture and the counterproductive work behavior through the intermediary role of the organizational commitment in the public hospitals of M'sila. To achieve the goal, a questionnaire was designed for the purpose of collecting the data. The study community consists of all employees (1074), and a random sample of (416) subjects was selected.

The study found that there is a statistically significant relationship between organizational culture & organizational commitment, negative relation between organizational culture & counterproductive work behavior, organizational commitment & counterproductive work behavior. The study also concluded that organizational commitment mediates the relationship between organizational culture & counterproductive work behavior.

In light of these results it has been drafting a set of recommendations that benefit the reality of organizational work in the public hospital establishments surveyed.


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How to Cite
YOUSFI , K., BENMOHAMED , I., & AROUSSI, S. (2017). Organizational Commitment as a Mediating Variable between Organizational Culture and Counterproductive Work Behavior in the hospitals of the city M’sila. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 2(01), 122-143.
Original Article