between managerial practices and agile team

  • ZAHIA Moussaoui University of Tlemcen
  • RAFIKA Moussaoui University of Tlemcen
Keywords: company, the agility, equips, autonomy, leader


The agility is a coherence, a setting in adequacy of the various devices and internal and external mechanisms with the company. The objective is to develop to the maximum the performance of the company so that it is registered perfectly in a competing logic while being pressed on a welded team, organized, and justified car. The role of the leader is modified: instead of “ordering” and controlling its team, he becomes the nimble manager who supports the creation of the optimal conditions to allow each one to effectively contribute to the result of the team for a better satisfaction of the customer.

The nimble leader conceives an architecture in which one evolves in the course of time, and not to carry out a vast data collection then a final plan or a remote architecture gives and which evolves to a vague goal and applying pas à la reality. The nimble team is a follower of the change. She explores it and benefits from the modifications of the environment which she regards as an opportunity to seize.


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How to Cite
Moussaoui , Z., & Moussaoui , R. (2018). between managerial practices and agile team. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 2(01), 302-315.
Original Article