Proper management of bank liquidity risks- With reference to the state of the Algerian banking system-

  • Farouk Fakhari Al-Messila University
  • Noura Zbiri Al-Messila University
Keywords: Liquidity, Liquidity risk, Liquidity risk management, Basel Convention 3, Algerian banking system


The objective of this article is to address the management of bank liquidity risk and how to control it at the bank level. The objectives and dimensions of bank liquidity have been exposed and analyzed the mechanisms of sound liquidity risk management by identifying the most important methods and quantitative tools used to measure bank liquidity risk, of liquidity risk management mechanisms and principles in accordance with the decisions of the Basel International Committee in its Third Convention.

The aim of this study is to attempt to highlight the most important precautionary principles underlying liquidity risk management in commercial banks operating in Algeria. It has been shown that despite the slow pace of the Algerian banking system dealing with modern methods of measuring and identifying liquidity risks, In the banking business environment in the field of banking risk management in general and in liquidity risk management in particular, where the system 11-04 of 2011, which is specific to the mechanisms of measurement and control of the risk of bank liquidity is a clear picture of the most important precautionary systems contained in Basel 3, Which would appreciate the efforts of the Algerian banking system to develop the work of its commercial banks and reduce the risk associated with the nature of its work.


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How to Cite
Fakhari, F., & Zbiri, N. (2018). Proper management of bank liquidity risks- With reference to the state of the Algerian banking system-. Journal of Excellence for Economics and Management Research, 2(02), 174-190.
Original Article