The role of group counseling in alleviating the problem of exam anxiety among university students

  • Nawal BOUDIAF M'sila University (Algeria)
  • Khireddine BENKHROUR University of Blida 2 (Algeria)
Keywords: Program Reading, Counseling, Exam Anxiety, University


The importance of this research paper stems from its attempt to reveal one of the collective counseling techniques applied to avoid academic problems among university students and related to academic achievement and fear, failure and waste, and the reality of the guiding sessions on the role of collective counseling in alleviating the exam anxiety in university students. For this, the researchers looked at several related studies, and were represented by choosing the subject of the collective counseling program, which aims to reduce the anxiety of the exam in university students and analytical reading in the subject: The program is to reduce the anxiety to improve the academic performance of the university student, the program may be in the initial form of (11) sessions time each session (45) sessions at a rate of two sessions each week, where the program initiated an opening session of acquaintance and confidence-building between the mentor and customers, in order to determine Working procedures and determining the role of each mentor in them, while the remaining sessions focused on the techniques of collective counseling and its content included teaching counselors skills confidence and self-control and anger management in stressful situations, as well as the use of strategy modeling lecture and group discussions homework


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How to Cite
BOUDIAF, N., & BENKHROUR, K. (2021). The role of group counseling in alleviating the problem of exam anxiety among university students. Social Sciences Journal, 15(3(Special), 97-111.