Proposed academic guidance Program for building the Project of Professional Career of University Students Who are About to graduate

  • Mecheri SOULEF University of elouadi (Algeria)
  • Nabila BRIK University of elouadi (Algeria)
Keywords: academic guidance, electronic guidance, project of professional career, university student


The aim of this intervention is to propose a project of electronic academic guidance program which is a design of multi-ways portal to build the project of professional career of university students; It is a university formative research project (PRFU) It was adopted especially in the absence of academic guidance services and specialists at the Algerian University Hence there will be a presentation of the idea of this electronic guidance program as well as its scientific background, its justification, its importance, its steps of implementation its means, its material and, its human resources. In order to be this proposed program in this project to present an experiment, it might be the beginning of the starting of the academic services of the Algerian University.


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How to Cite
SOULEF, M., & BRIK, N. (2021). Proposed academic guidance Program for building the Project of Professional Career of University Students Who are About to graduate. Social Sciences Journal, 15(3(Special), 205-212.