The epistemological rupture from the Bachelarian history of Science use, to the Jabiri history of Philosophy use
The topic of this paper concerns the epistemology’s issues, generally speaking, and the problematic behind the moving of concepts use among the different fields of knowledge, and more precisely, the study tries to shed light on the concept of epistemological rupture (break) which first introduced by science philosopher Gaston Bachelard, and having a distinct presence in the history of science domains, before it takes other forms of use subsequently, making it widespread in the field of modern epistemology. As for, in the contemporary Arabic thought, Mohammed Abed al-Jabri was among the most prominent whom they loan this concept, and he did apply it both in his analysis of the Arab heritage and in his reading of the arabo-islamic philosophy. For this reason, the study has focused on the Jabiri use of the epistemological rupture concept to determine the position towards the heritage and the difference between oriental and maghrebian philosophy by going back to his early origins where it first appeared, to end with a conclusion summarizing the main deductions.
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