Psychopathological tendencies and juvenile delinquency: origin and impact
This present article aims to show the factors behind the emergence of psycho-pathological tendencies of the delinquent juvenile and to describe the resulting effect. Our study was conducted at the Juvenile Re-Education Center (Ain M’lila, - Oum El Bouaghi), it included a sample of four (04) delinquent juveniles. We used the clinical approach centered on case study by application of the following research tools: semi-directed clinical interview, Woodworth-Mathews pathological tendencies Test, and the genogram.
The results revealed the presence of factors contributing to the genesis of psychopathological tendency in the juvenile delinquent, namely:
Impaired social learning: the adoption of bad companion’s behaviors and the absence of an ideal parental image to assume a proper social role.
Psychological predispositions and organization of the personality: depressive, persecutory, and schizophrenic tendencies, a tendency to loss of logic and Tendency to lose stability.
Family dysfunctions systems across generations characterized by: conflict, hostility, authoritarian pattern or disengagement.
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