Educated woman sociology, an analytical theoretical study Algerian women are a model
Women are nowadays one of the most important actors in achieving development in its various social, economic, cultural and political aspects ...We cannot deny the clear role that they played in this by bringing about change in various fields starting from within her family and her contribution to the process of socialization through her workplace History has proven this through the different eras, so the woman was a mother, sister, nanny and leader ... until she held the highest positions in the state Algerian women have been able to make a distinction in all the roles that they have taken, as they excel in that and have proven themselves in the workplace and have been able to build themselves by creating their own projects and of course here we cannot neglect the role of international organizations and bodies that helped in the emancipation of women And imposed a new approach to dealing with women and society, so one of its results was the exit of women to work and the change of their jobs, so her job did not remain confined to childbearing and education only, but she also went beyond her by participating in the development of society as a whole. Through this article, we will try to explain how women throughout history have been able to make their mark in various fields by studying an analytical theory of women's contribution to the development process, especially in Algeria
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