Study theLevel of Anxiety and Depression at Mothers of AutisticChildren A field Study of 15 Case
In most studies, the focus is on psychological sponsoring an autistic child without addressing the idea of caring for the parents of this child and the extent of their impact on the success of the process of psychological sponsoring him, This is why this field study aimed to address the issue of anxie depression in the mothers of autistic children. The researchers focused on the psychological state of the mother as the primary sponsor of the child and the anxiety and depression she suffers after discovering his trouble, The study started from a general question, which is the problem of the psychological consequences and disturbances of the mother of the autistic child. As the sample reached (15) cases, from mothers who come to seek psychological help in the multi-service clinic in one of the departments of Medea state. And psychological follow-up is divided into two parts: the first is concerned with the child himself, and the second focuses on a psychological support directed to the mothers of children. We adopted the clinical approach in our study, And we used the "Beck"scale for depression and the"beck" scale for anxiety.In light of the results obtained, several recommendations were reached, the most important of which is to shed light on the psychological care for the mother of the autistic child.
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