Psychological Burnout of a Clinical Psychologist During the Covid-19 Period
The following field study aims to recognize the burn out level of the clinical psychologist in some Algerian health institutions, in the period of the Corona pandemic (covid-19) According to the variables: training in the field of covid, benefit from the support and professional experience. And to achieve this target, The descriptive analytical approach was followed for its relevance to the nature of the research. we applied the Maslach Burnout Scale, to a group of clinical psychologists It consists of 46 specialized Practitioner in various health institutions from several states. The results of the study indicated that the psychologist suffers from high level of psychological burn out, in its three dimensions, emotional stress, sagging feelings and lack of a personal sense of achievement, plus, there are differences in the three dimensions of the scale according to the formation factors in the field of covid, social support and professional experience.
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