Social stigma for children with autism spectrum "A Field Study in the City of Msila"
This study was aimed at determining the degree of social stigma for children with autism spectrum, where the analytical prescriptive method was relied upon, and the sample was deliberately chosen, with 35 mothers with babies reaching the two pedagogical centers for children with mental disabilities (1) and (2) in the survey, where data was collected by resolution and statistical analysis by the social science statistical package, the spisv22 of the data The following results:
- High degree of social stigma in the families of children with autism spectrum.
- The existence of a gender-specific link in the social stigma of children with autism spectrum.
-No statistical function differences between educational levels in the social stigma of children with autism spectrum.
- High degree of social stigma in the families of children with autism spectrum.
- The existence of a gender-specific link in the social stigma of children with autism spectrum.
-No statistical function differences between educational levels in the social stigma of children with autism spectrum.
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