Bribery and its impact on development in society and the role of law in addressing it

  • Mustapha AOUFI University of Batna ( Algeria)
  • Hakim AARAB University of Batna ( Algeria)
Keywords: Bribery, development, society, law


The study of the phenomenon of corruption isconsidered of such importance
especiallywhenwe know to whatextentit influences in obstructingdevelopement ,this lead
specialists in manyfields; social, legal , political ,economic and religious to
studythisphenomenon ;each one according to hisconcern .And our contribution
isinvolved in explaining the negativeeffects of a bribe ,what are itspredesposingfactors ,
how theydealtwith or deal with by the Algerian legislature and how itcanlimitits
expansion in community


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How to Cite
AOUFI, M., & AARAB, H. (1). Bribery and its impact on development in society and the role of law in addressing it. Social Sciences Journal, 10(4), 53-64. Retrieved from