A Proposed Conception for the Accomplishment of a Training Offer for Professional Master in Autism
Recently, a great number of studies and books have deeply investigated autism that has dramatically increased in societies nationally and internationally. It is not out of necessity, then, to raise the urgent social need to ensure this disorder and to find ways to deal with such a dilemma. Since there is a lack of specialists and experts in this domain all over the country, the idea of the project has been proposed so as to provide training for Professional Master in autism at the university, based on two main reasons.
The first reason is to fill in the gaps in the field of early detection of people with autism, and help them adapt to the attendance conditions at their schools, in the built-in sections, in the specialized centres to which they belong, or in their work places in general if they are adults. The second reason could be instructing their parents and family members on how to deal with them to alleviate their suffering, so as to ensure a happy life for them, their families and society in general.
The ultimate objective of this project is offering a Professional Master’s training for students and those interested in autism, in order to deepen their theoretical and practical scientific knowledge, and to professionally figure out and handle this disorder, at the level of the various dimensions of the personality such as the cognitive, educational, emotional, behavioral, and social dimension, with a view to increasing the competence of specialists in this field, so that they can provide psychological, educational and clinical services at the level required for people with autism, whether in childhood, adolescence, or even in adulthood.
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