Distance education technology in light of the COVID-19 pandemic; Reality and solutions

  • salim mezhoude
Keywords: Covid-19 crisis; digital learning platforms; data; exploitation; participation.


This research aims to diagnose the reality of distance education technology in light of the mondial pandemic Covid 19, and to show its impact on the continuation of education, and rapid adaptation to the crisis situation, especially in free and commercial digital education platforms, as the global crisis, Covid 19, has created a market for vendors in the field of education technology, and thus the necessity The search for quality solutions of this technology away from the increasing financial exploitation in educational platforms.

 The descriptive approach was used, depending on the studies of researchers in digital education, based on the experience of developed countries due to their high Covid-19 rate, and its impact on digital education. Many problems have arisen as a result of the rapid transition to digital learning. so, it is necessary to search for future solutions that guarantees participation of all.

The question arises, how might the current choices made by educational institutions affect online learning, Will it boost education capitalism or promote human? And how we actually prepare for a desirable educational future


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How to Cite
mezhoude, salim. (2022). Distance education technology in light of the COVID-19 pandemic; Reality and solutions . Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 2(01), 100-111. https://doi.org/10.34118/jskp.v2i01.2110