Women’s political participation in Sudan : Obstacles and activation mechanisms – Analytical study –

  • Muhammad Faisal Abdul Bari Tutu Tutu


This study aims to identify the reality of women’s political participation in Sudan and the obstacles that prevent their participation in making political decisions, or practicing activities related to politics, whether as a voter or as a candidate, at the level of popular representation in municipal, state, or even presidential councils. The study also aims to present some proposals to activate the political participation of Sudanese women. The study concluded that Sudan has made many legislative and institutional efforts, both formal and informal, to develop women's political participation. However, the results achieved were not as much as the desired goals. Despite this, efforts and efforts are still ongoing to activate the political participation of women in Sudan by taking various means and measures. The study recommended the need to adopt the quota system, which has proven its ability to raise the percentage of women's participation in elected councils, and to emphasize the importance of the joint responsibility of states and civil society in implementing the proposed procedures


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How to Cite
Tutu, M. F. A. B. T. (2022). Women’s political participation in Sudan : Obstacles and activation mechanisms – Analytical study –. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 2(01), 112-135. https://doi.org/10.34118/jskp.v2i01.2111