Of Madness Meanings In” Majnoun”s averrals

  • walid abdellaoui
Keywords: Madness, Neurotic disease, strategy, method


We sought in our scientific article to study the issue  of  madness as  examples of “ Akbar Kays Ben Moulawah “. It was revealed to us that madness is not an neurotic disease that affects only human consciousness. However, it will be in “ Akbar Majnoon Ben Amer “  a strategy in the speech that the Majnoon uses it to influence  the receiver from a side. A method and doctrine in adoring and in the life from the other side. So, the madness turns from its negative to positive meaning


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How to Cite
abdellaoui, walid. (2022). Of Madness Meanings In” Majnoun”s averrals . Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 2(01), 625-641. https://doi.org/10.34118/jskp.v2i01.2139