Islamic Jurisprudence in the Modern World: Stagnation and Renewal

  • blue tackr
  • Muhammad Babagana
Keywords: Islamic Jurisprudence; Mordern World; Stagnation; Renewal.


In view of the reality of the modern era and its rapid development strangely, in addition to some problems affecting Islamic Jurisprudence since the age of stagnation, which have been weakening its ability to organize what achieves the interests and developments of its people in some aspects of life, this research is designed to clarify the reality of contemporary Islamic Jurisprudence and explain solutions to some of the problems from which it has been suffering. The researchers have defined the concept of Islamic Jurisprudence, and mentioned its stages of compilation. They have finally posited to the views that underscore that Islamic Jurisprudence has passed through some stages, and has acquired a highly scientific method in the modern era, where jurisprudential councils, organizations and encyclopedias have appeared as a result of the emergence of a number of scholars and jurists who do not adhere to any school in their fatwa. The researchers have also recommended that it is a necessity for Muslims to establish Islamic councils in their countries, because of its significant impact on the consensus of the opinion of scholars, and reduction of jurisprudential differences in the Islamic societies


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How to Cite
tackr, blue, & Babagana, M. (2022). Islamic Jurisprudence in the Modern World: Stagnation and Renewal. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 2(02), 71-84.