The role of the poets of the Algerian revolution in crystallizing national awareness and Islamic nationalism (Mofdi Zakaria as a model).

  • Hisham Hajjar
Keywords: Liberation revolution; Algeria; poetry of the revolution; national dimensions; patriotism; Mufdi Zakaria


he conditions experienced by colonial Algeria, before and during the liberation revolution, led to the emergence of a nationalist tendency and Arab Islamic nationalism, expressed by the poets of the liberation revolution, among them the poet “Mofdi Zakaria”, and the intervention aims to shed light on what was addressed in the poems and epics of the poet Mufdi Zakaria from national and national dimensions, In order to understand the subject, we have invoked the meanings carried by Mufdi Zakaria’s poems that carry national, national and religious dimensions, following the descriptive and analytical approach. In the end, we concluded that our poet was saturated with the national spirit and Islamic values, and believed in Arab and Maghreb nationalism, which is evident in all his poems, through which he called for adhering to the homeland and preserving it, and striving for its liberation, and working for the success of the Arab and Maghreb unity project, as he called for Adherence to Islamic morals, customs and traditions


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How to Cite
Hajjar, H. (2022). The role of the poets of the Algerian revolution in crystallizing national awareness and Islamic nationalism (Mofdi Zakaria as a model). Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 2(02), 175-192.