The role of geographic information systems (GIS)) in the study of sustainable development of agricultural lands - the municipality of Sidi Daoud, Boumerdes state as a model-

  • aouda said
Keywords: geographic information systems (GIS) ; Farmland ; land uses ; spatial analysis ; agricultural suitabilit .


Sustainable agricultural and rural development is one of the ideas that crystallized in the eighties, in response to the growing observation that the exploitation of the rural area and the diversification of agricultural land use are among the solutions to achieve self-sufficiency and food security. However, agriculture in Algeria in general and the study area in particular is still far from the level of achieving self-sufficiency. , in light of the multiple successive economic and health crises on the one hand, and the marginalization of the rural agricultural field and the deprivation of the shadow areas from sustainable development on the other hand, knowing that the municipality of Sidi Daoud occupies an area of ​​6338 hectares, of which 68% are agricultural lands (SAT), but the latter does not Only about 80% of it is exploited, which is the percentage of exploited agricultural land (SAU). In light of the technical progress, the development of computer technology, the flow of a huge amount of renewable information on the Earth’s surface through satellite data, and the development of geographic information systems (GIS) software, it has become possible to formulate solutions to achieve sustainable development of agricultural lands for the municipality of Sidi Daoud, by collecting, introducing Processing and analyzing the geographical information of the exploited and exploitable agricultural lands, as well as determining the appropriate lands to expand agricultural exploitation according to the natural conditions and conditions of the study area. Land uses and optimal and better exploitation of the rural area in general and the agricultural sector in particular


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How to Cite
said , aouda. (2022). The role of geographic information systems (GIS)) in the study of sustainable development of agricultural lands - the municipality of Sidi Daoud, Boumerdes state as a model-. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 2(02), 102-136.