La succession et ses types dans le Coran ( Succession and its types in the Quran)


Keywords: succession; human existence; The wise man; Adam; the man; creatures;


The mission of succession marks the beginning of human existence on earth, an announcement made by the Most High before His angels. As God's vice-regent on earth, man has been invested with specific qualities necessary to accomplish this mission. At the heart of this function lies knowledge, knowledge that the Creator has distinguished by teaching it to man, thus differentiating him from other creatures. By His will, Allah has decreed that man be His representative on earth, thus placing him above all other creatures. This was the beginning of divine regard for man, placing him as the central pivot of future events on earth. Among these major events, the selection of prophets occupies a prominent place, as they are intended to serve as a link between Allah and humanity as vice-regents. Thus, the mission of succession confers on man an eminent position and an important responsibility in the divine order.



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How to Cite
EL HOUARI , H. (2023). La succession et ses types dans le Coran ( Succession and its types in the Quran): french. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 3(03), 10-24.