Activating the contemporary religious and civilizational dialogue from the theoretical basis to the application (A study in the role of religious and academic institutions and the media)

  • Hanan Khayati
Keywords: religion; Human common; Dimensions of civilization; Activation principles ; official bodies


The topic of dialogue with followers of religions is one of the most important topics that academic studies address at the present time in various scientific fields, due to its importance in the stability of countries and homelands.

The goal remains to search for a common space between followers of different religions, civilizations and cultures for a peaceful coexistence away from any material or moral violence. Hence the need to search for ways to return humanity to its humanity, open spaces for civilized dialogue and communication, and clarify the nature of the central roles that must be played by the various bodies with an official and civil dimension active in social influence to support human beings. Participation in an attempt to spread the philosophy of dialogue, perhaps in the near future the world, its countries, cultural institutions and individuals will adopt a culture of peace within the borders of humanity


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How to Cite
Khayati, H. (2023). Activating the contemporary religious and civilizational dialogue from the theoretical basis to the application (A study in the role of religious and academic institutions and the media). Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 3(03), 101-125.