AI and the Bad Teacher Dilemma

Keywords: Generative AI; Higher education teacher role-teaching/learning process.


As AI technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will see a shift in the traditional teacher role, with educators and AI working in tandem to create a more dynamic and effective learning environment. So, what is more irreplaceable than a teacher that is an absolute specialist in his field? This kind of revolutionary transformation is difficult to imagine. People are just not motivated to modify deeply ingrained institutions when they are comfortable. The study findings which come up from the online survey with Master 2 students and teachers at Chadli Bendjedid University suggest that teachers can use AI to improve teaching and learning without considering it as a replacement. To effectively use AI in higher education, teachers must be aware of potential hazards, establish AI literacy, and address practical challenges. Accordingly, students still admire and respect their human teachers.


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How to Cite
bouras, sana. (2024). AI and the Bad Teacher Dilemma. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 4(01), 39-57.