Contents of health education in primary education curricula according to the basic dimensions of health education

Keywords: health education; primary education curricula; school;student; cognitive dimension; skill dimension; emotional dimension


:Health education is of great importance in society because of its effects on the future lives of individuals. It represents the various efforts made through several health activities to provide the individual with the necessary information, knowledge, and facts that affect public health. Perhaps the importance that health education plays has made the process of attention It is an urgent necessity, and based on that, our study attempted to find out the contents of health education in the primary education curricula in Algeria through the dimensions of health education. Where the study was conducted at the level of the second year of primary education to the educational curriculum for the year 2018-2019, and on two books for the second year in the Arabic language. The second is related to mathematics and scientific and technological education. The data collection tool represented by the 2002 Arafat scale for the dimensions of health education was used. The study reached several results, namely the presence of health education dimensions, the cognitive dimension, the skill dimension, and the emotional dimension to different degrees in the primary education curricula in Algeria


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How to Cite
Kharmouche , M., & Bahri , S. (2024). Contents of health education in primary education curricula according to the basic dimensions of health education. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 4(01), 117-140.