Environmental threats and the ecological refugee fate: a search for protection in the face of a changing environment

Keywords: Environmental Degradation; Climate Change; Environmental Refuge; Human Rights; Legal Protection.


The study aims to highlight and understand the relationship between environmental threats and environmental refuge, based on what international reports present of global environmental challenges that have produced large numbers of environmental refugees. Which made environmental refuge one of the most important discussion topics that enforced their way on the scene on the international arena over the past few years, due to the increasing number of refugees resulting from the exposure of their abodes area to environmental threats that obliged them to migrate to safer areas; the study reached the conclusion that international law did not include any mechanism for the recognition of these refugees, creating by so the problem of their protection, exposing the threats of the states’ security, with the failure of international cooperation efforts to manage this crisis and ensure international protection for environmental refugees.


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How to Cite
Touahria , M. (2024). Environmental threats and the ecological refugee fate: a search for protection in the face of a changing environment. Journal of Science and Knowledge Horizons, 4(01), 141-158. https://doi.org/10.34118/jskp.v4i01.3857